Welcome to Generation Health Clinic

Who We Are

We are a family-centred healthy living program for children and teens aged 6-17 living with overweight or obesity and specific health concerns.

What We Offer

Families meet with a team of doctors, dietitians, and mental health professionals for a comprehensive assessment. We work to understand your health needs and family and use that information to build a personalized care plan. Exercise specialists support families with their physical activity goals.

The program offers culturally adapted care at select locations for families of South Asian and Chinese background.

Our Approach

Generation Health Clinic is not a dieting or weight loss program. We focus on improving the health and well-being of children and families. We work with families to build the foundation for healthy living through family connections, balanced eating, active living, mental health, screen time, and sleep.

We are body positive, non-judgemental, inclusive, and respect each family’s unique journey.

Our priority is focusing on positive long-term behaviour change towards healthy living.

Our Goal

Our goal is to encourage the active involvement of the entire family in making healthy living changes that are meaningful to them and establish a foundation for a lifelong commitment to well-being.

Who is it for?

Generation Health Clinic is for children and teens between 6-17 years of age with:

Body Mass Index (BMI) for age greater than the 97th percentile


BMI for age between the 85th and 97th percentiles with specific health concerns

Parents/caregivers and child/teen must be interested in making healthy living changes and able to attend appointments and group sessions. Readiness to participate is assessed at the initial appointment.

For Families

Are you and your child/teen ready to make healthy living changes? Ask your healthcare provider if Generation Health Clinic is a good fit for your family. If you have already been referred, welcome! We are pleased to support you on this unique journey.

For Health Professionals

Do you have patients aged 6-17 living with obesity or overweight and specific health concerns? Learn about what we offer and our referral process.

Clinic Locations

Generation Health Clinic is delivered through:

  • Provincial Health Services Authority
  • Fraser Health Authority
  • Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
  • Interior Health Authority
Five Locations Across BC (Vancouver, Langley, Richmond, Nanaimo, Kamloops)
Four Locations Offering Virtual Group Programs
Two Culturally Adapted Programs (South Asian in Langley and Chinese in Richmond)
I would enroll my child again. It was an awesome program!

Generation Health delivers programs to families across British Columbia, on the territories of many distinct First Nations. We are grateful to all the First Nations who have cared for and nurtured the lands and waters around us for all time. We acknowledge the rights, interests, priorities, and concerns of all Indigenous Peoples - First Nations, Métis, and Inuit - respecting and acknowledging their distinct cultures, histories, rights, laws, and governments.