Generation Health Clinic Group Program

Generation Health Clinic supports children and teens with diverse needs who can engage in a group healthy living program.

All group sessions are facilitated by a Registered Dietitian, a Mental Health Professional, and an exercise specialist:

Registered Dietitian
Registered Dietitian
  • Delivers the nutrition and healthy living content of group program sessions
  • Provides support with healthy living goal-setting
Mental Health Professional
Mental Health Professional
  • Delivers the mental health and healthy living content of group program sessions
  • Provides support with healthy living goal-setting
Exercise Specialist
Exercise Specialist
  • Delivers the physical activity component of the group program sessions
  • Provides individual coaching sessions to support children, teens, and their families with their physical activity goals

How does the Group Program work?

Families attend two sessions per week:

  1. A fun, interactive educational session facilitated by a registered dietitian and a mental health professional (90-120 minutes) that includes:
    • a nutrition topic
    • a mental health topic
    • physical activity (30-60-minute) for the children or teens with an exercise specialist from the YMCA or local community centre
  2. A Family Fun Activity session with an exercise specialist from the YMCA or local community centre for the whole family (45-60 minutes)

“It was very fun, we learned a lot of new things and are trying to apply it. Overall, this was an amazing experience. In the beginning I thought it would be boring, but it turned out to be very fun”

Teen Participant

Topics covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Nutrition and eating behaviours
  • Family connections
  • Parental limit-setting
  • Physical activity
  • Screen time
  • Sleep
  • Self-esteem and body image
  • Mental well-being

“Very helpful. I liked the sleep time information. We have been going on daily walks as this helps towards our goal of sleeping early”.


The group sessions may be in-person, virtual, or a combination of both.

The group program supports children/teens and their families to establish a balanced approach to eating, physical activity, mental health, sleep, and screen use. The program also provides opportunities for enjoyable physical activity in a supportive setting.

I really enjoyed the support that we received from our group facilitators. Being able to have access to their knowledge and ask questions was so amazing. Thank you!


Frequently Asked Questions

Generation Health Clinic accepts referrals for all children/teens between 6 and 17 who meet our eligibility criteria. As part of our assessment, we will determine if our program will fit your child’s unique needs. If our program is not the best option for your child’s needs, we will work with you to find alternative resources and supports.

Only the child/teen referred to Generation Health Clinic will receive a comprehensive assessment with the clinical team. Appointments with the clinical team and weekly group sessions are dedicated to the child/teen referred to the program and their parent/caregiver. However, siblings and other family members are welcome and encouraged to attend the weekly Family Fun Activity sessions led by the exercise specialist and to participate in the strategies learned during the weekly group sessions as part of making healthy living changes together as a family.

Once your family has completed the 10-week group program, you are welcome to attend another group as long as

  1. your child still meets the eligibility criteria, and
  2. there is space available

If it has been more than a year since your child’s last group, we will complete a brief assessment to understand how things have been going for your family since we last saw you.

Generation Health delivers programs to families across British Columbia, on the territories of many distinct First Nations. We are grateful to all the First Nations who have cared for and nurtured the lands and waters around us for all time. We acknowledge the rights, interests, priorities, and concerns of all Indigenous Peoples - First Nations, Métis, and Inuit - respecting and acknowledging their distinct cultures, histories, rights, laws, and governments.