Frequently Asked Questions

For Families

Generation Health is a FREE facilitated group program for families with children ages 8-12. It is offered across British Columbia (BC). The program is for families who want to be on a path to a healthy lifestyle and focuses on fun, healthy living activities that enhance family connectedness while building both the parent/caregivers’ and the child’s skills to make lasting lifestyle changes. Families complete the program together, and at least one parent or caregiver must attend the sessions with the child (it does not need to be the same parent or caregiver each week). The program is offered virtually (via Zoom) to families across BC and in person in many communities.

Yes! This is a family program, so siblings within a close age range are welcome to participate. The information provided in the program is tailored to children ages 8-12, but we invite siblings who are 6, 7, or 13 to participate.

This program is FREE!

Check out the program comparison table on the GH landing page and answer a few questions in the wayfinding tool to see which program would be a good fit for your family.

Your family can alternate what parent/caregiver attends the sessions as long as one parent/caregiver accompanies the child(ren) each time. We encourage parents and children who attend to share with the other parent/caregiver or sibling what they learned during sessions to keep the whole family up to date.

We understand that asking children to sit through a 2-hour Zoom session is unrealistic. We plan movement breaks and activities related to the topic approximately every 15 minutes or as needed.

Virtual Sessions: Families learn to play together for the first 1 hour and 30 minutes. The children then head off-screen, and there is parent/caregiver time with the Group Facilitator to cover more in-depth topics.

In-Person Sessions: Families join a group and facilitator at a local facility space to learn and play together for the first part of the session. The children then head to the gym with a Physical Activity Facilitator and Program Assistant for some physical activity time. The parents/caregivers stay in the classroom with the Group Facilitator to cover more in-depth topics. The families regroup at the session’s end to continue learning and enjoy playful activities together.

For both delivery methods, families also have access to an App to find additional recipes, lessons, and weekly family challenges to try between the group sessions.

Several virtual programs covering the same material are offered for families outside the communities offering in-person programs. These programs are offered virtually (via Zoom) for families living anywhere in British Columbia.

We offer an online self-paced program for families who cannot make the dates/times for our program times or have children who are ineligible for the program. Contact for more information.

Families actively participating in the program and attending 80% of the sessions will receive a family activity credit ($150 value) at the recreation centre hosting their program (including virtual programs).

Virtual programs are available four times a year: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. To find the next virtual programs running, click here. In-person programs are also offered in some communities across the province each season. To find out which communities are offering programs currently, click here.

Families choose a program that works for their family’s schedule, fill out a registration form online, and receive a screening call from our Central Team. After the screening call and waiver are complete, the families will be registered for the program. The online registration forms can be found here.

Families with at least one child between the ages of 8-12 who live in British Columbia and need help in one or more of these lifestyle areas: Healthy eating, physical activity, positive mental well-being, screen time, and/or sleep routines.

We offer an online self-paced program for families who cannot make our program times or have children/youth who are ineligible. Contact for more information.

Yes! Generation Health Community is an inclusive program with trained facilitators who may be able to modify activities and learning environments to adapt to your child. If your child requires one-to-one support in school or group environments, an additional parent/caregiver for in-person programming is required to support the child outside the classroom.

Please contact for more information and to discuss your child’s needs.

For Healthcare Professionals

There are very few programs for families or primary care providers to turn to when healthy living behaviour support is needed and the child does not have clinical concerns. This program is a key component of the coordinated system of care that the Province offers to BC families for children experiencing the negative social, mental, and physical health consequences of being off the healthy living path.

Families that reach out are deeply concerned about their children’s physical inactivity, unhealthy eating, screen time, and mental well-being. Our baseline data shows that this concern is justified. 90% of children are not active enough to meet Canada’s 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, 50% have more than two hours of leisure screen time per day, 94% are not eating vegetables daily, and 77% are not eating fruit daily.

The Community program offers support to families who do not need intensive/individualized clinical support in developing and strengthening healthy living behaviours. The free, 10-week Generation Health Community program supports families in making positive changes that build a foundation for good health through active living, healthy eating, reduced screen time, improved sleep, strengthened family connections, and positive mental well-being. The Generation Health Community program strengthens the capacity of families to develop positive family environments that help sustain engagement in healthy living behaviours by focusing on skill development related to parenting and behaviour change practice and strategies.

Generation Health Community is an evidence-informed program designed in BC by healthy living and behaviour change experts. The design was informed by several key sources, including consultation and alignment with other provincial childhood programs (e.g., Shapedown BC, Eating and Activity Program for Kids), research evidence from the literature and leading experts, evaluation findings from five years of implementing a “turn-key” family-based childhood healthy weights program in BC (MEND BC) (2012-2017) and a provincial consultation with 300+ stakeholders. Health professionals—including 95 dietitians, eight physicians, and 14 nurses—participated in the dialogue.

Generation Health Community is for families whose children are ages 8 to 12 years old who live in British Columbia and are looking for help in one or more areas: healthy eating, physical activity, positive mental health, screen time, and/or sleep.

These are some of the significant findings based on more than five years of evaluation:

Healthy eating – Parents increase confidence to support healthy eating. – Children increase confidence in making healthy eating choices. – Children (and parents) eat more vegetables and fruit.

Physical activity – Children are more physically active. – Children are less sedentary. – Parents increase confidence to support family physical activity.

Screen time – Children lower recreational screen time and can manage time on electronic devices.

Quality of Life – Children enjoy an increase quality of life across four domains–emotional, social, school, and physical.

During the 10-week program, families in Weekly Group Sessions are also offered:

  • Virtual family cooking classes led by a Registered Dietitian and a child
  • One virtual group Q&A / info session with a Registered Dietitian
  • One virtual group Q&A / info session with a Mental Health Professional
  • Additional resources are available between sessions through a mobile app.
  • After completing the program, families will receive community physical activity access, continued mobile app access, and our monthly healthy living e-newsletter.

Yes. Weekly sessions include family time, parent and caregiver-only discussion time, family physical activity time, and child physical activity time. It does not need to be the same parent/caregiver each session.

No, it is a self-referred program. However, healthcare professionals can connect families to the program so they can register themselves.

Families choose a program delivery method that works for their family’s schedule (virtual via Zoom for families throughout BC, in-person in select communities, or self-paced), fill out a registration form online, and then receive a screening call from program staff to ensure the program is a good fit for the family. After the screening call, the families will be registered for the program. The online registration forms can be found here.

The program is available in all Healthy Authorities.

Virtual programs are available four times a year: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. To find the next virtual programs running, click here.

In-person programs are also offered in many communities across the province each season. To find out which communities are offering programs currently, click here.

There is a self-paced option for families with children outside of the 8-12 year age range, or for those who cannot find a group program that meets their needs, click here.

With funding from the BC Ministry of Health, the Childhood Healthy Living Foundation (CHLF) is responsible for overseeing and managing the community program. CHLF partners with local community organizations, such as the YMCA, Municipal Recreation Centres, Community Centres, Neighbourhood Houses, etc., who deliver the programs in their communities or virtually. Trained program facilitators deliver the program and have backgrounds in physical activity, nutrition and/or public health backgrounds. They also receive additional training in facilitation, program content, disability inclusion, and scope of practice. Some sessions have guest speakers, including a Registered Dietitian and a Mental Health Professional.

Trained program facilitators lead the program and have backgrounds in physical activity, nutrition and/or public health backgrounds. They also receive additional training in facilitation, program content, disability inclusion, and scope of practice. Some sessions have guest speakers, including a Registered Dietitian and a Mental Health Professional.

This 10-week program includes one two-hour weekly synchronous session and 10 weekly online e-sessions through a mobile App. The e-sessions provide additional information and activities for the week. After the program, participants will have continued access to the mobile App for six months and a $150 credit towards a recreation centre.

Generation Health is FREE for families.

The BC Ministry of Health funds the program as part of its coordinated care system for the health of BC families.

Yes. Extensive evaluations have been done over the 5+ years since the prototype program was piloted in 2018 and rolled out in 2019. There have been positive impacts of the program on the physical and mental health of children and families that participate, including:

  • Higher vegetable and fruit intake
  • Higher levels of physical activity
  • Improved quality of life for children
  • Enhanced family connectedness
  • Increased parental confidence in supporting family eating habits and active living

BC parents, children, program partners, and delivery staff are delighted with the program. Parents have increased their confidence and ability to support their family in implementing healthy lifestyle choices and acknowledge the welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment the Generation Health program team provides. Children reported they learned about healthy eating, being more physically active, paying attention to screen time, and the importance of sleep. Read more.

Generation Health delivers programs to families across British Columbia, on the territories of many distinct First Nations. We are grateful to all the First Nations who have cared for and nurtured the lands and waters around us for all time. We acknowledge the rights, interests, priorities, and concerns of all Indigenous Peoples - First Nations, Métis, and Inuit - respecting and acknowledging their distinct cultures, histories, rights, laws, and governments.