Research & Evaluation

Families who participate in Generation Health Clinic complete surveys at various points of program delivery to help us assess program outcomes and inform program delivery. This includes:

Physical health

  • A healthy living survey for child/teen and parent/caregiver before and after group program completion

Mental health

  • the Beck Youth Inventories (Second Edition) for children/teens as part of assessment and after group program completion
  • the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory completed by both parents/caregivers and child/teen as part of assessment and after group program completion

Medical measures (anthropometrics, blood pressure, bloodwork) and feedback from families who complete group also contribute to overall program evaluation.

Generation Health Clinic Research and Evaluation Approach
Generation Health Clinic 2022-2024 Program Statistics
Generation Health Clinic Program Impact
Generation Health Clinic Group Program Family Feedback

Our team collaborates on research activities with academic partners across Canada. We are currently working with the University of British Columbia Faculty of Land & Food Systems on the following studies:

  • Examining the efficacy of a virtual multi-disciplinary 10-week family based behavioural lifestyle intervention in children and adolescents: A pilot study (led by Dr. Tamara Cohen)
  • Investigating the effect of level of urbanization on families participating in a multi-disciplinary 10-week family based behavioural lifestyle intervention in children with obesity (led by Dr. Tamara Cohen)

Some of our team members are also participating in research initiatives that enhance and facilitate best practices in the area of pediatric obesity. This includes the development of tools to support the new Canadian Clinical Practice Guidelines for Pediatric Obesity Management and review of literature that inform the update of the Guidelines.  

As a result, our clinical care and program curriculum continue to evolve based on feedback received from participants, and to reflect the latest evidence and best practices.

Generation Health delivers programs to families across British Columbia, on the territories of many distinct First Nations. We are grateful to all the First Nations who have cared for and nurtured the lands and waters around us for all time. We acknowledge the rights, interests, priorities, and concerns of all Indigenous Peoples - First Nations, Métis, and Inuit - respecting and acknowledging their distinct cultures, histories, rights, laws, and governments.